Killer's products come with software managers enabling gamers to easily and conveniently control the flow of their networking properties, so if you're downloading a game and a pesky sibling or spouse is streaming an HD movie simultaneously, you can use the software manager to control the flow of data on your end and maybe scale back the priority of your download so that someone else can stream the movie more efficiently. We all know that if we're playing a game and Windows decides to update right then and there, something is going to have to give leeway and usually it results in the game lagging and Windows updating very slowly, making it a lose-lose situation for gamers.

McCann goes on to explain that on the user's end, there's a strong battle going on for network latency control.

What we were able to do with a combination of hardware and software, was radically shrink the amount of time it took game data to get to your game and also make sure no other traffic stepped on it. We discovered that about a third of most game lag resided right there on the PC, or in the case of wireless or wi-fi gaming, right there on the laptop.